Known for our dedication to quality and outstanding customer service
TRIBOLOGY: is the science and engineering of interacting surfaces in relative motion. It includes the study and application of the principles of friction, lubrication, and wear. Highly interdisciplinary, it draws on many academic fields, including physics, chemistry, materials science, mathematics, biology and engineering.
Len Bridger, Founder
Two entrepreneurs started E.C.L. Energy Conserving Lubricants from a garage in Calgary in 1983, with a grand vision to create powerful, yet environmentally friendly, easy-to-use and cost-effective products for the energy industry.
In 1995, they were joined by a brilliant technician who brought with him vast knowledge of tribology (the science of lubrication). Many of the advanced products that GUARDEX manufactures today come from this storehouse of knowledge. In 1990, E.C.L. merged with Allwest Energy Lubricants to form GUARDEX LUBES Inc.
We are still a dedicated, family-run business, now located in High River, Alberta.
GUARDEX LUBES is committed to providing innovative products and sustainable solutions that provide our customers with incomparable value and service.
Our vision is to be the most valued business partner to our customers. We do this by earning their trust and confidence, accomplished by striving to always be better at what we do and by always doing the right thing.
Pride goes into every bottle we pour. At GUARDEX, we guarantee that our products will meet or exceed the function for which they are designed.